The Gabriel Lock series is a planned seven-novel series written by D. & H. Cancio (David and Humberto) based on H.’s 46-year career as an attorney practicing civil law in Miami. We first meet Gabriel in 1980 as he leaves the prosecutor’s office and begins practicing with his father, Thomas Lock.
The series spans from December of 1980 until December of 1991, giving the reader ten years of Gabriel evolution from a young lawyer to a family man who practices law as the once sleepy town of Miami becomes the sprawling metropolis of the 1980s.
Over the years, Gabriel’s devotion to his clients never wanes as he discovers the juggling act of balancing his time as an attorney and his loved ones, learning how to turn the lawyer off so he can be a man.
As the plot develops, each novel covers a specific theme that also corresponds to the year in which a novel takes place. Since it’s the other side of Miami Vice, we’ll leave it up to your imagination, but we hope that you enjoy the journey!
Bound By Law, the first iteration of the legal heptalogy.