Gabriel Lock is an upcoming book series by aspiring creatives Humberto and David Cancio, a father-son pair of authors who have dedicated their lives to the art of storytelling. With a deep passion for the literary world, they have crafted captivating narratives through novel life experiences which they hope to resonate with readers worldwide.
David Cancio
David, co-author and son, was born in 1991 and has lived in both Florida and North Carolina, graduating from NC State with a major in Spanish. He speaks English, Spanish, and French fluently and has capacity in Portuguese, German, and Italian. His interests are soccer, traveling, music, and reading. He is a practicing Catholic and a Knight of Columbus.
Humberto Cancio
Humberto was born in Cuba in 1953 but immigrated to the US in 1959. In 1965 he moved to Spain where he attended the American School of Madrid. Upon his return to the states, he graduated from Duke University with a BA in Political Policy Studies. He attended the University of Florida for Law School. Following a 46-year career, Humberto is AV rated Pre-eminent. He is married with four children and two grandchildren.
Upcoming Book Signings
As debutant authors, D. & H. Cancio frequently participate in book signings and literary events across the country. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to meet D. & H. Cancio in person and have your copy of their latest work signed.
Our Literary Journey
D. & H. Cancio’s path to literary success has been one of dedication, passion, and a deep appreciation for the written word. Discover the story behind the authors and how their life experiences have influenced their captivating narratives.
Featured News
Explore D. & H. Cancio’s journey as they meet with various radio hosts, cultural commentators, and social leaders promoting the Gabriel Lock series and its impact on society along with their commitment to delivering high-quality content to readers.